Windows 7 - Software Restriction Policies

Restrict User from Installing Software but only Administrator are Allowed to Install

  1. Log-in to your Account with Administrator Privilege
  2. Start > Control Panel.
  3. Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Open
  4. Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Open
  5. Local Security Policy > Software Restriction Policies > New Software Restriction Policies
  6. Software Restriction Policies > Enforcement > Properties
  7. Enforcement Properties
    Apply software restriction policies to the following:
    Select "All software files except libraries(such as DLLs)"
    Apply software restriction policies to the following users:
    Select "All users except local administrators"
    When applying software restriction policies:
    Select "Ignore certificate rules"
    Apply > OK > Restart your Computer.
  8. Log-in to Account with User or Power user Privilege only
    The try to install Software and you will see this warning!